Pregnancy Test App

Are you looking for an app to know if you are pregnant? Then you’ve found the right article, as we’re going to introduce you to three apps that can help you.


Have you had a missed period or are experiencing suspicious symptoms and are now wondering if you are pregnant? Mobile technology is here to make this journey of motherhood discovery more accessible than ever.


Nowadays, there are a number of pregnancy test apps designed to provide accurate and useful information about the possibility of a pregnancy.

But with so many options available, how can you choose the right app? Which one offers the most reliable tools, helpful resources, and accurate information to help you determine if you’re pregnant? This is exactly what we will explore in this article.

Are Apps to Discover Pregnancy Reliable?

Reliability is a natural concern when it comes to something as important as detecting a pregnancy.

But don’t worry, we’ll dispel your doubts and provide clear information so you can make informed decisions about using these digital tools on your pregnancy discovery journey.

Application “How to Know if I’m Pregnant

This app with more than 100 thousand downloads is an excellent tool for anyone who is suspicious of pregnancy.

There are three resources that a woman can consult to find out if she is pregnant, which are:

  • 16 Quick Signs That Indicate Pregnancy
  • Checking a Pregnancy Without Taking a Test
  • While You Can Know If You’re Pregnant

But he doesn’t stop there. Once the user confirms their doubts, the application will also help them by answering the following questions:

  • I’m Pregnant – What Should I Do Now?
  • How to Relieve Pregnancy Symptoms
  • Pregnancy FAQs

“Pregnancy Test – Symptoms” application

This app contains a complete test with the most common pregnancy symptoms to know if you are pregnant. In this way, it allows the user to be presented with the probabilities of determining whether they are pregnant or not, using a percentage value.

Another feature of this app is the possibility of checking the physical exam, the pharmacy exam. This is because, in some cases, it is difficult to see the second line of this exam.

If you have doubts and the line is not very clear, you can take a photo and edit it, modifying the contrast, gray scale, brightness, gamma, saturation and much more to see more clearly.

At the moment, the “Pregnancy Test – Symptoms” app is only available for download on the App Store.

“Online Pregnancy Test” app

Like the others mentioned above, the “Online Pregnancy Test” application available only for iOS systems will be based on a series of questions based on different pregnancy symptoms.

In addition to the complete pregnancy calculator, the user will find different sections with relevant information about signs of early pregnancy in the application.

However, what sets this app apart is that you will find a section with a variety of home pregnancy tests, as well as a wide range of tips, information about the stages of pregnancy, first signs of pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, etc.

The App indicated that I am pregnant. What to do?

Receiving a pregnancy indication through the app can be an exciting experience and, often, a moment of great joy. However, it’s important to remember that pregnancy test apps, no matter how reliable they are, are not definitive tests. They are a first step on the pregnancy confirmation journey.

Once an app indicates that you are pregnant, the next crucial step is to take a pharmacy pregnancy test, also known as a urine pregnancy test. This test is a common and affordable tool for confirming pregnancy at home.

How the pharmacy pregnancy test works

  1. Get the test: You can find pharmacy pregnancy tests at most pharmacies, supermarkets and convenience stores. They are available without the need for a prescription.
  2. Choose the right time: The ideal time to take the test is in the morning, when the concentration of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine is highest. This increases the accuracy of the test.
  3. Follow the instructions: Each pregnancy test may have slightly different instructions, so it is essential to carefully read the directions provided in the test package.
  4. Urine collection: Generally, you will need to urinate into a clean cup and then use a provided dropper to place one or two drops of urine at the location indicated on the test.
  5. Wait for the result: Waiting time may vary depending on the test, but generally takes a few minutes. Pay attention to the time recommended in the instructions.
  6. Read the result: The test will have one or two lines, a “+” or “-” sign, or a digital result such as “pregnant” or “not pregnant.” A positive result confirms the pregnancy, while a negative result indicates that there was not enough hCG detected.
  7. Consult a healthcare professional: Regardless of the result, it is important to make an appointment with a doctor or gynecologist to confirm the pregnancy and receive guidance on prenatal care and next steps.

Remember that pharmacy pregnancy tests are highly reliable when used correctly, but in case of doubt or inconclusive results, it is advisable to seek medical advice for definitive confirmation.

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